Parapathi Sangam Management Software

community based and individuals groups

Parapathi sangams is Self Help Groups

Facilitating Mutual Assistance

This software serves as a crucial tool for Self Help Groups (SHGs) or Parapathi Sangam, facilitating mutual assistance and collaborative problem-solving among their members. Within this digital platform, members of these organizations come together to address their challenges collectively. One of its primary functions is to encourage and streamline small savings initiatives among the members. Through this software, individuals contribute to a common fund known as Parapathi Sangam Shares, fostering a culture of financial responsibility and community support.

Cultivating a Culture of Financial Responsibility

The software optimizes the process of managing the shared fund, ensuring transparency and efficiency in financial transactions. Members can easily contribute to the fund and monitor their savings, promoting a sense of ownership and accountability within the community. Moreover, the platform facilitates the organization in offering direct small loans to its members, utilizing funds accumulated within the system.

By leveraging this software, SHGs and Parapathi Sangam can promote financial literacy and inclusivity. Members gain access to valuable resources and information related to saving strategies, investment opportunities, and financial planning. This knowledge empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their finances, encouraging sustainable economic growth within the community.

Furthermore, the software enhances communication and collaboration among members. It facilitates discussions, knowledge sharing, and skill development initiatives within the community. Through online forums and interactive features, members can exchange ideas, learn from each other’s experiences, and collectively devise solutions to common problems.

In essence, this software platform not only streamlines the management of financial activities within SHGs and Parapathi Sangam but also fosters a sense of community and solidarity. It acts as a catalyst for empowerment, enabling members to build a secure financial future while promoting social cohesion. Through its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, the software plays a pivotal role in transforming the way these organizations operate, ensuring a more prosperous and connected community.

Software Features

  1. Member Join
  2. Shares Receipt
  3. Monthly Collection Report
  4. Surety List
  5. Loan Sanction
  6. Personal Ledger
  7. Receipts and Payments
  8. Balance Sheet
  9. SMS Alerts
  10. ALL Reports..etc

Price: 15000+18% Tax – One Time Payment @ 100 Members